The following is the record of public game progress for September 16th, 2020 through November 13th, 2020.
- New commands: plant
- New/updated helpfiles: appraise, cairns, dislodge, flags, forage, plant, reckon, remove
- New gatherables: wine-cap mushrooms
- New items: grass hand bindings, straw hats
- Updated items: baskets, bear-skull helms, beeswax candles, bouquets, crude flags, deep baskets, flags, flat baskets, grass (now a bulk object), grass bracers, grass foot bindings, grass hats, grass headbands, grass raincapes, grass sandals, grass skirts, hard leather caps, heavy iron helms, iron caps, iron helms, knife sheath boots, leather coifs, leather helmets, pitched torches, plumed iron helms, sewing baskets, small grass baskets, tool baskets, woven chokers, woven grips
- The base math for how long a single "swing" in combat takes has been adjusted; in general, fights should play out about 30% faster than before for all parties involved. Note that action economy thresholds have not changed.
- Successfully striking an opponent with a lit torch, candle, or rushlight will now deal fire damage in addition to any physical damage it deals. How much extra damage is applied per swing is determined by the size of the object and how much heat it puts off when lit, with pitched torches dealing the most and beeswax candles the least. Wild animals will now potentially flee if they take fire damage in combat; how much damage it takes to scare one depends on the size of the animal. Things that look like (but aren't) animals may not be so skittish.
- Flags now use a unique base object that allows one to "plant" them in outdoor rooms. Flags planted in the wilderness will place a marker on the map that others can see so long as the flag remains planted. A planted flag also automatically degrades over time, with the time required based on the type of flag involved; default flags will last for about 30 RL days after being planted, while crude flags last approximately 16. Planted flags can be repaired the same as most fabric objects. Flags only degrade while planted. Existing flags can be updated to use these new features using the "exchange" command. See "help flags" for more details.
- The "remove" command has a new syntax: "strip [<category>] into <container>" will have a character attempt to remove everything in the specified category and put it into the specified container. This syntax condenses the messages from removing and storing objects into a single, longer message. If no category is specified, the game will default to removing everything. Trying to use categories that are not part of the hard-coded list (see "help remove" for the current options) uses the normal "remove" behavior, including potentially hefty amounts of message spam.
- The "reckon" command has a new syntax: "reckon gathering <gatherable object>" can be used to learn what lore skill is required to gather something, its approximate difficulty, and its forage categories (if any). Characters knowledgable in the appropriate lore will also receive more information, such as the seasons to gather something and what environments contain it; how much skill this takes varies with the overall difficulty of the target.
- The "appraise" command has a new syntax: "appraise quality of <object>" can be used to determine the approximate quality of an object; at the time of this writing, this only really applies to blocks of quarried stone. To enhance its functionality, using "appraise quality of <object>" will also mention if a target object is too damaged, too rotten, missing bites, or otherwise explicitly flagged as unsalable. This syntax does not require a character be in a shop to use it and only works on one object at a time; if used on a container, it will evaluate the container's quality, not its contents'.
- The "dislodge" command now has proper behavior for "dislodge <object>" without a provided target: it will attempt to remove the specified object from the character's own body. If told to dislodge objects from a limb (i.e. "dislodge arrow from leg"), the command now knows to check the character's inventory and environment for the first severed limb it can find matching that description; the previous example, for instance, would look for nearby severed legs after seeing if the character's own legs were afflicted. Said command also uses slightly clearer language about whether it was looking at the character's own body parts in its failure messages.
- The "forage" command now recognizes "mushrooms" as a valid category. The existing "mushroom" objects can still be gathered via the "gather button mushroom" syntax.
- The "drag" command now properly checks if an object is being worn before attempting to drag it. As this is most likely to occur due to accidental pattern matching it does not check a character's common sense before writing its failure message; trying to drag held objects works the same as before.
- Craft reckoning now also mentions if an object is immobile, if it can be dismantled after completion, and if it must be created outdoors. These will be mentioned after the time estimate if applicable.
- Singular and plural variants of item aliases are now recognized by the "gather" command; for example, "gather wild yam" and "gather wild yams" function identically. Out-of-season failure messages have also been slightly tidied up.
- Having brief mode enabled or using the "glance" command in a room has been updated to no longer filter out items based on light level and their relative size. This change was made on a fairly deep level and will take a while to percolate through the game; the absolute longest it will take to observe the new behavior is by the time of the next reboot. Verbose mode, and using "glance" to observe objects or people, function the same as they always did.