The following is the record of public game progress for July 17th, 2020 through September 15th, 2020.
- New commands: hardcore, warmth
- New/updated helpfiles: alcohol, alertness, burden, check, clothe, count, death, emote, explore, fill, hardcore, music, percussion instruments, perception, play, quarry, reveal, resurrection, rope tying, search, stats, stringed instruments, temperature, temperature levels, view, wasteland lore, weight, wilderness lore, wind instruments
- New gatherables: aloe, driftwood, green bladder seaweed, kelp, ruffled red seaweed, rushes, sea-dhomya, seashells, watercress
- New items: brass wire, bronze wire, pewter wire
- Updated items: baldrics, breechcloths, chest wraps, fur chest wraps, fur halters, fur loincloths, halters, iron hangers, leather breechcloths, leather carrying loops, leather loincloths, loincloths, rope carrying loops, shifts, short-sleeved shifts
- A hardcore mode has been added for players who prefer permadeath. It may be enabled through chargen or the "hardcore" command, and may not be disabled once enabled. Hardcore players may not be resurrected in exchange for gaining skills somewhat faster.
- Drinking alcohol now brings a temporary boost to a character's aura stat with it, the amount of benefit depending on how drunk they are. Characters who reach "very drunk" or worse are also now at risk for becoming hung over upon sobering up. Hangovers are influenced by the character's health stat, their hunger and thirst levels, any poison resistance offered by their bodies, and just how drunk the character was in the first place. Characters who have any amount of alcohol in their systems will now always be able to fall asleep even if they've slept recently; they must still be "tired" or greater, fatigue-wise, to do so.
- Global temperatures have been refactored; among other elements, seasons (not just time of day and latitude) now have a proper effect. To help counteract potential difficulties revealed by this while heat and cold are being finessed, the amount of fatigue suffered by players outside their comfort levels has been halved.
- It is now possible to "explore" non-road wilderness rooms, which will try to locate encounters that a character did not immediately notice when first looking around the area. This involves a combination of skills, namely wilderness or wasteland lore (terrain depending), travel skills as appropriate, and perception. As this is a special-cased alias of the "search" command, using "search" or "search [for] wildlife" in the wilderness defaults to this behavior, though it's still possible to "search [for] exits" or similar (see "help explore" for more details).
- The perception stat is now known as "alertness" to prevent confusion with the skill of the same name. The stat's behavior and values are mechanically unchanged.
- The "fill" command can now be used to try to fit as much of a piling bulk material (such as meat or ore) into a container as possible. For example, "fill sack with orestone" will now either cram as much orestone as possible into the sack or move the entire targeted pile into the sack, whichever happens first. It prioritizes valid targets in hand over those on the ground. As part of adding this feature, container capacity has been very subtly refactored, effectively adding one more RL gram to how much any container can hold. These changes are on the base object level and requires containers to be reloaded, not swapped via the "exchange" command; logging out and back in while holding, wearing, or otherwise taking it with the character (i.e. not dragging it) is enough to do so.
- Renting a house for the first time now automatically adds one month's worth of rent to the treasury to help reduce instances of losing one's investment due to early upkeep checks; this money can be withdrawn as usual at the deed-holder's peril. Housing costs have not changed.
- Charcoal clamps of any size now recognize "light clamp" as a valid syntax, providing the character is using their common sense and is holding a burning object. The usual "light clamp with [lit thing]" syntax remains untouched.
- Jobs are now smarter about looking for empty moneybags or other containers if they cannot store coins in the first one they find.
- The "reveal" command now has smarter pattern-matching, improved messaging, and properly checks whether or not a character is actually aware of something's location before allowing them to reveal it. Characters who are unconscious or unable to see no longer benefit from others revealing things in their presence until they regain control of their senses.
- The "clothe" command now accepts the "clothe self from <container>" syntax, which will cause a character to attempt to dress themselves with any wearable, fitting object inside said container, donning up to five objects at a time until there are no more valid contents in the container. A container can be held to dress from it, but cannot be worn, and characters need at least one free hand to do so. This feature is slated to receive less spammy output in the near future.
- The "view" command now has updated messaging, uses better fallthrough behavior if used in an empty room, and aliases to the "look" command if given an argument (i.e. "view box").
- The "count" command no longer chokes on counting coins if trying to tally more than just the coins in a container (i.e. "count things in pack"). The usual coin total will be shown first, followed by the number of non-coin items in the container, which itself notes that the number does not include the money. Piles of coins are always considered to be a single object no matter how much currency they encompass.
- The "weigh" command now gives slightly more information if used on something not in a character's hands, such as whether or not it's portable and if the character could potentially pick up or drag it. Using it on something that's already being held or dragged works the same as always.
- The "burden" command now recognizes a new syntax: "burden limits" will show an approximation of how much more weight a character can carry, in pounds, as well as how much they can drag one-handed.
- The "fasten" command now better understands what a player wants if told to fasten something with the same id as another fastened object; for example, using "fasten knife sheath to belt" three times in a row, with one sheath in hand and two at a character's feet, will fasten a new sheath every time it's used. This added functionality only applies to held objects or things right next to a character in the room.
- The "retire" command now has slightly more informative messaging if a character's specialized containers are full. If any non-specialized containers on their person have room for the target object, the game will mention them as alternate options.
- The "draw" command can now target more than a single sheathed object at once, provided a character has the free hands to hold them.
- The "check" command, when used inside an owned property, now includes approximate RL times for when the next collection date will be and how much RL time is left in the treasury. These are based on server time and tend to round down.
- The "discard" command now has better messaging for trying to discard one's own body parts or targets that are still alive. It is also slightly more intelligent at interacting with the object parser, though due to the nature of the fix it only affects objects loaded after this change; everything should be up to date after the next reboot.
- The "info" command now mentions any subjects a character is leading or following, assuming they're doing so, as well as what (if anything) they're dragging. Its temperature messaging in general has also been slightly updated.
- The "quit" command now issues a hard interrupt when used to log out of the game or to switch characters. The "quit job" syntax is unaffected.
- The new "warmth" command shows a character's current subjective temperature, as appropriate, as well as what (if any) effect their clothes have on this.
- The "put" command now tracks what prepositions it displays a little more intelligently.
- The work camps next to both mines in Ydra now have dedicated anvils and forges in their storage rooms. Characters must still supply their own fuel, hand tools, and raw materials.
- Character generation now has three new quick-start sets: miner (which gives points in mining, stone working, geology, metallurgy, and mountaineering), stonemason (which gives points in masonry, stone working, pottery, and geology) and chandler (which gives points in chandling, gathering, cooking, herb lore, and wilderness lore). It also now allows players to select mining, chandling, masonry, and rope tying as a la carte skills.
- Decorative wire can now be sold at both Sri Binaa's Sundries in Liidhaga and Yost's Coin and Jewelry in Kungesvald.
- It is now possible to gather items specific to beaches, lakeshores, and riverbanks. Back-end work has been done to enable additional specialized gather tables in the future.
- Containers' low-capacity messages now properly track their prepositions, so a table will state there's "barely anything on it" instead of "barely anything in it." This only effects objects that are created or reloaded after this change; all containers will be updated at the time of our next reboot.