The following is the record of public game progress for June 1st, 2019 through July 31st, 2019.
- New commands: commandlist
- New items: beaded charms, belled charms, feather charms, spade heads, tasseled charms, trowel heads
- Updated items: altars (can now be dismantled), braziers (now tendable), clay (now a bulk object), clay beads, clay ovens (now tendable), coral, coral beads, desks, forges (now tendable), glass beads, hoe heads, iron noserings, kilns (now tendable), low round tables, low tables, pit forges (now tendable), round tables, spades (now craftable), stone beads, stone tables, tables, trowels (now craftable), wooden beads (were "wood beads")
- New/Updated helpfiles: actions, check, commandlist, crafting, doors, get, interruptions, locks, remove, syntax conventions, tables, verbs, weigh
- Trying to craft an object too large to fit into one's current surroundings will now display an appropriate message to the character and stop their attempt. This currently does not take into account any room that might be freed up by objects being consumed by the crafting process.
- Objects that are on desks or tables are now recognized as being on hand for crafting so long as the hopeful crafter is next to said table; this includes bulk ingredients, containers of liquid ingredients, and unfinished objects. Unfinished objects (as well as successful results or failed items) created while next to a table will first attempt to move to the character's hands, then onto the table, then onto the ground, regardless of whether any of the tools or ingredients involved were on the table in question. Shop objects of any type intentionally ignore this feature.
- If a table has edible goods on it, it is now possible to "eat from table" to have one's character pick a random foodstuff that is nourishing to their species and eat it without needing to pick it up first. If there is nothing nourishing on the table, or if there isn't any food on it at all, the game will say so. It's also possible to eat something more specific via the "eat <food> on table" or "eat <amount> of <food> on table" syntaxes, neither of which are restricted by what a character can or cannot eat.
- It is now possible to "craft another <item>" to start a new crafting attempt, even if an unfinished copy of the item in question already exists; this is of particular use to multiple players making things in the same room, at the same table, etc. Using "craft <item>" (with no "another") works the same as always.
- Certain items now require that they be made outdoors, generally based on whether or not they involve digging and/or the presence of the sky. This list currently includes all three sizes of charcoal clamps, altars, pit forges (NOT standard forges), and simple sundials. Existing instances of these items are unaffected by the change; it only applies to the crafting process itself.
- The "get another <item>" syntax now behaves the same way as "get <item> from here" in terms of accumulating more objects than one can immediately hold. This syntax is now the preferred one in the tutorial, as well.
- It is now possible to "strip corpse [into <container>]" to remove things from a corpse's inventory; the more things on the body, the longer this will take. If no container is specified this will move contents into the room. This currently only works on NPC corpses, and has no effect on whether the corpse can be harvested for other resources (such as meat or feathers).
- Rooms with doors connected to their exits now recognize the name of the exit as a valid way to interact with said door when using the "open," "close," "lock," and "unlock" commands. This does not affect the behavior of direction-based commands like "glance" or when throwing objects into other rooms Other valid subjects for these commands include using "<direction> door" and "door <direction>" for players' convenience.
- Slamming an already closed door now uses smarter messaging and does not make quite as loud of a noise.
- It is now possible to use "shut" as an alias for the "close" command.
- Characters using their common sense will now try to close objects before locking them; to lock something while leaving it open, either turn off common sense via "commonsense off" or use the "lock <object> anyway" syntax. Objects that are both locked and open cannot be closed until they are unlocked again.
- Attempting to lock or unlock something with a key when said object's lock does not require one (such as a door with a deadbolt on one side) will now tell the player that a key isn't necessary before performing a standard locking or unlocking action, rather than stating that the key doesn't fit and stopping there.
- Keyrings' contents are now properly recognized by lockable objects when specifically used in a command (i.e. "unlock door with keyring" versus "unlock door").
- Several craftable fuel-burning objects, such as forges, can now be tended using the "tend <object> with <fuel/container>" syntax, similar to campfires. These require a source of fuel be specified and will not rely on gettable objects from the room. Their descriptions now reflect the heat and light they give off while lit, if any, as well as how long they are expected to burn, and they recognize more types of objects to visibly char in addition to simply inflicting damage. NPC-owned versions of these objects, such as forges in smithies, do not support tending. This code is similar to campfires but differs in a few ways as an upgrade of sorts; players are encouraged to offer feedback.
- In addition to the treasury total and the cost of recurring upkeep, using the "check" command in a property a character owns will now display how many months' worth of upkeep said property's coffers contain (if any), as well as the next IC day for collection. Players may use the "date convert" syntax to see when this date will occur IRL, relevant to server time. Collection time is generally relevant to when the property was first paid for, give or take a few seconds in either direction.
- Players interested in listing non-verb commands available to them may now do so using the "commandlist" command. This is formatted much like the output of "verbs" and is provided for the sake of convenience.
- Attempting to fill a non-liquid container from a liquid source (including nearby bodies of water) now uses clearer messaging about why the command fails, as opposed to the original "You can't fill a container [from a source object]." It will also attempt to clarify when the command fails due to a typo (i.e. "You have no cnateen to fill from a well.").
- The "weigh" command now accepts the "weigh <held object> against <other held object>" syntax to allow players to estimate which of two held objects is heavier, assuming they're above a given weight. It also has slightly clearer messaging if its target isn't in the character's hand or if it's given an invalid subject for weighing.
- If an object has the descriptor of "irreparable" among its valid adjectives, it can no longer be repaired, even if it's of an object type that normally can be (such as a shirt). This does not currently affect any player-accessible items but is being documented for transparency's sake.