The following is the record of public game progress for April 18th, 2019 through May 31st, 2019.
- New commands: copy, finish
- New items: heavy hooded robes, keys, more hempen twine, more thread, more twine
- Updated items: belled anklets, belled bracelets, bows, crossbows, firewood (now combines by tree type), fishing poles, fur-trimmed leather vests, heavy robes (were "wool robes"), hempen twine, longbows (merged with "oak longbows"), ponchos (were "wool ponchos"), practice crossbows, recurved crossbows, ring-ended wood crossbows, shortbows (were "oak shortbows"), short-sleeved loose coats, simple bows, slings, thread, twine, wool coats, woolen jackets
- New/Updated helpfiles: archery, banks, campfires, claw, copy, crossbow, discard, ferry, finish, fishing, get, leather working, locks, sewing, sling, smithing, style, tend, throwing
- It is now possible to take partial amounts of bulk-mass objects (such as meat, charcoal, and sand) out of containers using the usual syntax ("get 1 pound of ore from sledge" et.al.). This works with both objects on the ground, such as tents, or in a character's hands or inventory, such as a belt. It does not function with other people's containers.
- Players leaving out the "of" when getting a partial amount of an object (i.e. "get 1 pound sand" instead of "get 1 pound of sand") in the same room as multiple piles should no longer have the game get confused over which pile they mean.
- Taking partial amounts of bulk objects that have set traits -- such as colored yarn and mineral dust -- now properly reflects those traits in the partial amount. For example, taking five ounces from a bolt of purple silk no longer leaves a character with undyed silk. This change will affect newly-acquired objects immediately, though those acquired before April 23rd, 2019 may not properly reflect it until a reboot due to the nature of the fix.
- Getting partial amounts of bulk objects now uses more reasonable math based on set IC weights, ideally causing fewer strange behaviors when dealing with larger masses.
- The "finish" command can now be used to kill helpless targets, such as smaller fish out of water or animals knocked unconscious, after a brief wind-up period based on the size of the target. Any interruptions during the wind-up period will halt the attempt. See "help finish" for more information.
- Characters may now try to duplicate keys using the "copy" command, which works the same way as normal crafting save that it will attempt to match the locking and unlocking properties of the original key. Making a key without using the "copy" or "duplicate" syntax will yield an unpaired, purely cosmetic key instead. See "help copy" for more information.
- Crossbows now have slightly smarter behavior when reacting to the "string," "unstring," and "load" commands, and also recognize "unload" as a valid syntax. One can also "load crossbow with <ammo>" or "load crossbow from <container>"; these behaviors prioritize held ammo over anything on the ground. In addition to quivers, bolt sashes now automatically count as an ammo source and track how many shots are remaining in them, and containers targeted with "load crossbow from <container>" will also count remaining shots. Existing crossbows may be updated using the "exchange" command.
- Much like crossbows, bows also exhibit smarter "string" and "unstring" behavior, and will recognize arrows on the ground at a character's feet as valid ammo. Existing bows may be updated using the "exchange" command; if your bow cannot be automatically updated due to name changes, feel free to contact a staff member for assistance.
- Also like crossbows, slings may now be loaded "with <ammo>" or "from <container>". Attempting to load a sling without available ammo will check if rocks can be taken from the room and, if available, load the sling with those. Existing slings may be updated using the "exchange" command.
- Attempting to throw a weapon that isn't immediately on hand will attempt to draw it before throwing it; this only applies to specialty containers on a character's person, such as a sheath or knife sash. This requires a free hand to do. Throwing weapons in this way does not affect the speed at which a character can throw multiple objects, whether for good or for ill.
- Players currently aboard a ferry can now "check schedule" or "check ship" to see when the ship is expected to next leave from or arrive in port. If the ferry is moving, this will also mention its current direction; note that this is the direction appropriate to its part of the route, not necessarily what direction its destination is from the ship's current location.
- Both the "health" and "fatigue" commands can no longer be used on others in the room while a character is unconscious, though they can still display the state of an unconscious character themselves. Trying to check on other people while unconscious now includes failure messages explaning so. These commands also have slightly smarter behavior for attempts to check the health or stamina of something no longer in the room (most commonly via "health/fatigue opponent"). The "fatigue" command now recognizes "stamina" as a valid alias, as well.
- The "discard" command now properly checks the distance between a character and whatever they're trying to discard; characters who are not already next to or holding their target will attempt to approach it first. Characters using their common sense will refuse to discard objects that still have something inside them (be it solid or liquid) unless told to "discard