The following is the record of public game progress for December 1st, 2022 through March 31st, 2023.
- New/updated helpfiles: crafting process, death, feelings, fill, recall, reckon, religion, tables, throwing
- Updated items: shelves
- Bows, crossbows, and slings can now tell if a character is trying to fire them at a target before finishing a previous attempt instead of accumulating extra fatigue for duplicate attempts. For example, using "fire sling at hind" while still whirling a sling overhead with the intent of striking the same hind will inform the user, "You're already preparing to fire your sling at a hind." In the event a weapon ends up "stuck" on an invalid target, unloading it (if a crossbow or sling) or unstringing it (if a bow or crossbow) will manually reset it, as will logging out and back in while carrying the offending object. Waiting to fire the weapon until after it's loosed a projectile at its target behaves the same as always.
- Characters using their common sense will refuse to fire a bow or sling, or cock an uncocked crossbow, if they believe it would cause them to pass out as a result. As usual, said characters can override their common sense via appending "anyway" to the end of their command.
- The "throw" command now understand the concept of situationally tossing things into other things; non-closed, non-specialized containers that have room for the object being thrown will now accept it as though it was simply being put into the container if the syntax "throw <object> [in/into/on/onto/to/toward/towards] <container>" is used. If the object can't be put into the container for any reason it will land on the ground nearby. If a preposition other than those provided is used (i.e. "throw stick at box" or simply "throw stick box"), the game will interpret it as an attack. This uses the same logic as tossing an object to another character. It does not work with specialized containers like scabbards.
- The "deposit" and "withdraw" commands now recognize "all" as an argument when inside a bank or owned property (like a shop or house), and will deposit any coins found on the user's person (for "deposit") or withdraw everything in the room's treasury or bank account (for "withdraw"). This syntax has the same limitations as any other use of these commands, namely checking open containers for coinage and ignoring closed ones.
- The "weather" command no longer prints duplicate information about clouds and precipitation, and will return slightly truncated results if the character can't see for any reason (blindfolded, in a too-bright room, etc.); sightless characters can still feel any precipitation in their current room, the direction and intensity of the wind (if any), and the temperature.
- The "fill" command now accepts "refill" as a valid alias. It is also possible to attempt to "fill <container> from <river/lake/ocean/swamp>" and still get valid results, though due to the limitations of wilderness code only one kind of liquid can be provided by a room; if a wilderness room is next to an ocean and a river, for example, it will only be a source of seawater or river water, not both.
- The "feelings" command has a new syntax: "feelings show <feeling>" will now show an approximation of how a given feeling will look when used, including whether it behaves differently when used alone or with a target. This syntax is only shown to the user; others in the room cannot tell when it's been used.
- The "recall" command has a new syntax: "recall definition <term>" will now provide a clearer explanation of crafting terms that don't match any existing aliases, such as "batting" or "filament." This requires no skills to use and is instantaneous. As these results are hand-curated, as opposed to generated by a script, players are invited to submit notes about tools or ingredients with puzzling names to have their definitions added to the database.
- Liquid-bearing objects that slowly refill over time, such as wells and fountains, now have slightly smarter behavior whenever their contents are accessed in any way. Note that refilling is a fairly slow process by default, so a completely drained reservoir will still require a lot of RL time to return to full.
- Crafting objects while next to a table will now mention if the craft in question has ended up on said table. This is mentioned at both the beginning and end of the process.
- Dropping objects that persist between reboots, such as folded tents, is now a little smarter about updating their persistent location data in the room.
- Trying to eat inedible objects now has slightly clearer messaging.
- Some edge-case spacing issues with the "weather" command have been addressed.