The following is the record of public game progress for January 22nd, 2021 through March 17th, 2021.
- New commands: weather
- New/updated Helpfiles: appraise, characters, combat actions, count, flags, logging, mobilize, poison, stock, weather
- Updated items: asphodel flowers, calamine, conical reed hats, grass hats, kerchiefs, large vials, leather scarves, long-trained turbans, rakes, rounded reed hats, scarves, small vials, stone benches, straw hats, tasseled scarves, vials, wide-brimmed leather hats, wool scarves
- Lighting a torch, campfire, or similar source of fire around wild animals is now more likely to scare them off. Animals who enter a room containing a tent, boat, cairn, or sufficiantly large fire will also actively choose to relocate. These new behaviors only apply to natural creatures (i.e. NPCs which aren't blighted animals, bandits, etc.) that aren't currently engaged in combat.
- The "weather" command can now be used to note the weather, and relative temperature, of a character's current environment, as well as the presence of the sun and moon (as applicable). This currently only works while outside and duplicates the information provided in room briefs; as weather evolves as a feature, this command is likely to expand in scope.
- The "stock" command now has a new syntax: "stock <object> for private sale" will allow an owner of a shop to place an item in storage to be reclaimed later. Private-sale objects are not visible to non-owners, nor can they be purchased, and their numbers will not be shown in the shop's inventory (for example, a list may skip from 4 to 6 if item #5 is stocked for private sale). Objects stocked this way will remain where they are until removed or repriced by an owner, they decay away (if applicable), or the shop runs out of money.
- The "appraise" command now has a new syntax: "appraise handedness of <object>" will have a character determine the ideal number of hands with which to use the target (one, both, or either), as well as what weapon skill it uses, if it's better suited for attack or defense, and whether or not it's meant to be used at range. While primarily intended for use with weapons, this syntax will work on any non-living subject in a character's hands or environment.
- Attempting to interact with an object directly above a character's's current coordinates will no longer hurl them into the air, but instead properly inform the actor that their target is out of range. This change does not apply to approaching objects while swimming.
- Climbing while dragging objects has been changed; it is now possible to do this in any situation, whether or not a climbable object was a guaranteed success. If an object required a skill check to climb it will now be more difficult to scale (even more so than simply having one hand occupied), while check-free objects will remain guaranteed but will slightly tire the character based on the weight of whatever they're dragging.
- The "kick" and "headbutt" commands now have a new syntax: using "kick <target> aggressively" or "headbut <target> aggressively" will cause the character to initiate combat and immediately queue up the attempted maneuver. These are subject to the same limitations as any other attack attempt, and if used in situations where combat isn't possible they will print a message to the player saying as much before defaulting to emotes. Normal out-of-combat usage of both commands is unchanged.
- Counting coins now displays the total value of the pile after the coins' description. Trying to get coins from a pile or container without specifying a number also behaves a little more intuitively (i.e. "get star from wallet" behaves the same as "get 1 star from wallet", while "get pence from pile" will attempt to take every penny from the target pile of coins).
- Logging now checks the condition of a character's logging tools; if they are in sufficiently poor shape and the character is using their common sense, they will automatically stop before breaking whatever they're using. Like mining, this threshold will almost always be well past the scope of field repairs.
- Using "search [for] exits" in a non-wilderness room that does not have any standard exits (such as those only reached by climbing something) now prints a more informative message instead of a blank line.
- Flags' long descriptions can now reflect the wind in their environment, if any, while they are held or planted. Unplanted flags, or those indoors (including inside tents) or in containers, look the same as always. Existing flags can have their base objects updated by logging out and back in while holding one or carrying one in a held or worn container.
- Kerchiefs, scarves, leather scarves, wool scarves, tasseled scarves, and long-trained turbans now function like hooded clothing, allowing them to be raised and lowered as well as being able to conceal a wearer's features the way that existing hoods do. New pieces of hooded clothing also handle their keywords slightly differently to reduce false positives.
- Certain hats now function as "inverse" hooded clothing, in that lowering them conceals a character's features while raising the hat reveals it. Affected headwear includes conical reed hats, grass hats, rounded reed hats, straw hats, and wide-brimmed leather hats.