The following is the record of public game progress for March 1st, 2020 through May 5th, 2020.
- New commands: dry, harvest
- New gatherables: peat patches
- New items: clay platters, spiced fruit, roast geese, tasseled hats, tasseled scarves, wooden platters
- Updated items: lead styluses, wool scarves
- New/updated helpfiles: dry, fatigue, fatigue levels, forage, gather, glance, harvest, lock picking, meditate, peat, pick, scavenge, wells
- Peat patches can now be found in the wilderness using the "gather" command; similar to clay and bog iron, this uses the geology skill. One can get raw peat from peat patches by holding a hoe and using the "harvest patch" syntax. See "help peat" for more details on what to do with peat and how to interact with it.
- If an NPC enters the same room as an unconscious sentient target (i.e. player species) which they would normally attack, they will no longer initiate combat unless they fight to the death. NPCs will still try to kill non-sentient targets (i.e. animals) normally. This does not affect player behavior.
- Living creatures that are "well rested" no longer have this state show up in their descriptions when looked at, though this will still appear when checking a character's "info" readout or using syntaxes like "fatigue opponent"; this stamina string has also been expanded to include where the living is in the room, their current posture, and any extended tasks in which they might be engaged (such as crafting or playing an instrument). The actual numbers behind how fatigue works are unchanged.
- The "look" command now also displays the target's current action, if any, in addition to their posture.
- Using the "glance" command on a living being now shows their current action, if any, and handles whitespace a little better in the event the subject isn't injured. Much like "look", it will not mention the subject's stamina if they're in the "well rested" range.
- Trying to "get" an object a character is already holding, assuming there isn't another available one in the room or in a targeted container, now displays a clearer message that mentions the item is already being held. Worn or fastened items have a similar message. Trying to "get all" or "get things", with or without a target container, uses better grammar, as does "get all from here" or "get things from here". This change does not affect "get <gettable> from here" behavior for rooms that have infinite supplies of grass, sticks, etc.
- Trying to use the "pull" or "drag" commands on a held object now has a proper commonsense check; characters using their common sense will try to put something down before dragging it with them, while those who are not will get a slightly more informative message about why their efforts are fruitless.
- The "gather" command (and its "forage" syntax) can now be used while a character is stooped over. Additionally, if a character is not already standing or stooping when told to gather something, and they are using their common sense, they will automatically attempt to adjust their posture before continuing.
- Attempting to "gather" an object on a room's scavenge list (sticks in forests, grass in plains, etc.) will now use the "get <gettable object> from here" behavior instead of simply "get <gettable object>" (which required a free hand). A basic form of this behavior already existed, and could be used independent of a character's stance; this change simply allows one to get a new object via "gather" with no free hands. Normal gathering attempts still require a free hand and proper posture.
- The "pour" command (also aliased to "empty") now has a proper commonsense check when attempting to pour a non-portable container into a portable one; if a character is using their common sense, they'll try to use the "fill <portable thing> from <non-portable thing>" syntax, instead. This command also has some slightly better grammar in places, namely involving other-gendered targets and targets that are physically present in the room but cannot have liquids poured into them.
- Worn, open liquid containers, such as canteens with water in them, now allow their contents to count towards crafting attempts; previously they needed to be removed first. Closed containers are intentionally excluded. Containers inside other containers are not affected by this change.
- Attempting to use the "buy <thing> with coins/money/<container>" syntax no longer produces errors. Using "money" or "coins" as an argument behaves normally, while targeting a container will check whether or not there's money inside said container before continuing. The actual purchase uses the default order of operations for finding money (hands first, wallets second, other open containers third) even if a container is specified.
- The "weigh X against Y" syntax no longer gives potentially wildly different results based on the order in which its arguments are given. Its underlying formulas are otherwise unchanged, including whether or not it believes two things are too close in weight to judge.
- The "meditate" command now has a commonsense check to make a character sit down (or up), assuming they are not already. If for some reason they can't sit properly, they will also receive a more informative message explaining why they can't meditate.