The following is the record of public game progress for October 1st, 2019 through December 31st, 2019.
- New Commands: deed
- New/Updated Helpfiles: appraise, boats, commonsense, crossbow, deed, discard, dislodge, gather, glance, guard, healing, hoarding, housing, news
- New Items: beeswax bars, colored glass blobs, crude oars, large glass blobs, roasted rats, rodent kebabs, short iron wires, steel bars, steel ingots
- Updated Items: boards, brass bars, brass ingots, bronze bars, bronze ingots, charcoal (non-piling chargen version only), colored glass, copper bars, copper ingots, copper wire (now a bulk object), crude paddles, glass, gold bars, gold ingots, gold wire (now a bulk object), iron bars, iron ingots, iron wire (now a bulk object), lead bars, lead ingots, leather cord (now a bulk object), oars, paddles, pewter bars, pewter ingots, pewter ingots, silver bars, silver ingots, silver wire (now a bulk object), slings, stone crucibles, thin hempen rope, tin bars, tin ingots, wood chunks
- Permanent in-city housing is now available for players, with two different pricing tiers available in both Liidhaga and Kungesvald. Housing involves a significant down payment in addition to an upkeep fee that's collected once every IC month, and all houses come with a tendable light source/cooking fire as well as a small amount of ambient light to keep players from logging in to pitch darkness. Houses are connected to city rooms by doors, which disappear from their hub room's contents after a few minutes to all but the house's owner(s) if they are left closed (not necessarily locked or barred). See "help housing" for more information.
- The following commands no longer interrupt any actions: alwaysmode, bc, check, commandlist, hardmode, truantmode, verbose
Note that the novelty modes (alwaysmode, hardmode, and truantmode) rely on either ansi output or, in the case of hardmode, scramble output text, making them unlikely to play well with text-to-speech programs. In the event one has been activated by mistake, either logging out or typing the name of the mode a second type will reset any novelty mode. - The following commands no longer interrupt less involved actions, like crafting or eating: exits, posture, resign
- It is now possible for multiple characters to be recognized as owners of a single property (be it a shop or house) by using the "deed" command, whose syntax is documented in "help deed" for the reader's convenience. This same command can also be used to remove people from a deed list so long as there are at least two valid names on said list. Note that the contents of "help hoarding" still apply to properties, as well.
- The descriptions of certain non-fungible items, such as metal bars and raw glass, now track how much remains of the item's original mass so players have a better understanding of how much they have on hand; unlike bulk objects, these item cannot be added to or have specific amounts taken away. At the time of this writing this only affects their long descriptions, not their briefs.
- Depositing money into or withdrawing it from an owned property's treasury will now mention how many months of rent (if any) its new amount will cover.
- Offering a container to a shopkeeper will now check whether or not they buy an object before evaluating it for freshness, whether part of it is used or eaten, etc. For example, using "appraise" or "sell" to present a sack with some half-rotten pheasant corpses and a bolt of fabric in it to a shop that buys fabric will no longer report that the pheasants aren't fresh enough for the shopkeep to purchase.
- Filling containers (dragged or otherwise) while holding something now no longer creates extensive amounts of duplicate "no free hands" messages.
- The "finish" command now properly recognizes enumerated targets.
- The "shop" command now only requires a nonzero amount of light to use in a room.
- Ambushing wolves now have slightly smarter behavior if their prey is not at ground level when the wolves make their appearance, such as birds that start flying after pursuit begins.
- Eating from tables now better recognizes bread, noodles, and similar foods as being suitable for characters with restricted diets. The "eat" command is also smarter about finding nourishing food on tables even if their most recently added contents are inedible.
- Trying to eat a specific amount of an inedible object will now print a proper message instead of erroring.
- Trying to get a non-existent gettable item from "here" (i.e. "get whatsit from here") will now print a proper message instead of nothing.
- Slings now use smarter order-of-operations checking for determining if ammo is readily available in a room, and ranged weapons in general give more helpful messages if one tries to fire them without a target.
- Crafts requiring leather cord now use a set amount instead of consuming the whole cord at once; this behavior was already used by most cord-needing crafts and it's now consistent across the board.
- Incomplete crafts are now better able to recognize being referred to as "partially-completed" or "partially complete" (with and without hyphens), even if the full name of the object isn't used. For example, "partially completed glass jar" and "partially completed jar" now recognize the same incomplete item.
- Furs harvested from animals now inherit the secondary "unscraped" descriptor, which is removed and replaced with "scraped" in the event a scraper is used on it. Tanning a skin, scraped or otherwise, removes whichever of these descriptors are present. This should also help with any price confusion that could come about from selling Svanhild leather made from one of the types of skins she'd accept after scraping, such as deer or mouflon.
- The "shake" and "knock" commands (including aliases like "rap" and "tap") now behave like more typical feelings if used without a target or on a target that does not have special behavior; for example, tapping one's foot won't interrupt tending a lit fireplace, but tapping on a door (which makes noise on the opposite side) will.
- The "news" command now accepts "recent" as an argument to see the names and numbers of the ten most recent news posts. When "news" on its own is used with no new posts for a player to read, they will also now be given a reminder of the "news list" and "news recent" syntaxes.
- Characters using their common sense will no longer open charcoal clamps that have not finished burning unless ordered to do so via the "open clamp anyway" syntax.
- The "launch" command now recognizes if characters are using their common sense, meaning characters told to launch vessels that are overladen (or will become so once the character themselves boards) will refuse to do so in the interest of not immediately sinking it. In the rare event there is somehow not enough room for the character in a boat even without exceeding the vessel's capacity, they also will refuse to launch it.
- Looking out of portable objects like boats and tents will now properly show the contents of the room housing them, if any. These will also be shown when auto-surveying a boat's surroundings upon rowing it to a new room. Due to the nature of this update, some rooms (especially those containing permanent objects) may need to wait until the next reboot to fully make use of this feature.
- Boats now reflect what direction they're heading, if any, in their long and room descriptions. Due to the nature of this update, some boats may need to wait until the next reboot to fully make use of this feature.
- The "row" command will no longer stick players in an infinite, unmoving state if used without an argument on a vessel not already heading in a given direction. The "row
" syntax also behaves the same as "row " for the sake of convenience. It is also now less tiring to use oars with oarlocks, if any are available; conversely, crude oars or paddles are a bit more tiring to use than before. Movement speed is unaffected by crudity. - The "gather" command can now be used with containers which characters are dragging or that are next to them on the ground. Gathering into a container also includes a message that the items have been placed inside it for the sake of clarity. No matter where a container is, a character still needs a free hand to gather things into it.
- The "read" command will no longer reveal hidden characters, assuming they are already next to or holding whatever it is they're trying to read. They will still automatically approach something they aren't nearby if told to read it.
- Writing surfaces (such as scrolls or birchbark sheets) now properly report a reader's skill with the most recent language used to write on them.
- The "check" command now better tracks the month of an owned property's next upkeep due date. It also requires the character to be conscious to use.
- The "discard" command now accepts non-permanent unfinished objects as valid targets. If the object in question is being actively worked on or is being guarded by one or more people (not including the character trying to discard it in the first place), the command will fail. It also has a commonsense check for objects with things lodged in them and writes a slightly different message than what it gives for containers with contents.
- Lodging something in a living creature's limb now actually connects it to that limb, rather than the creature's general inventory, and will be listed accordingly when looking at said limb. If the afflicted limb is severed, any lodged objects will be transferred to said severed limb, and can be reclaimed via "dislodge" as usual.
- The "dislodge" and "get" commands now have better synergy when it comes to retrieving lodged objects. Using "get" on a lodged object while using one's common sense will now automatically try to dislodge it, and if used without one's common sense it will still print a more informative message instead of claiming the lodged item is no longer there. Using "dislodge <lodged thing> from <target>" is also now smart enough to check a living target's limbs for the desired object, not just their immediate inventory.
- The "skin" and "butcher" commands now require all lodged objects (such as arrows or javelins) to be dislodged from a corpse before using them. If there is only a single object lodged in the target, a character using their common sense will automatically attempt to dislodge it; if there are two or more things lodged, or if the character is not using their common sense, they will be prompted to dislodge the items. This does not affect the results of skinning or butchering.
- The "glance" command now recognizes the "glance contents of <container>" syntax to only see visible items in an object, not its long description, condition, etc. This only works with open containers or containers that can be seen through. "look contents of <container>" works the same way, save that it displays a message to the room.
- Characters employed in cities will now be properly recognized as logging out within range if they quit while inside a rented property, regardless of whether or not they own it.
- Maggots plucked from corpses being held by a character will now properly be moved to their free hand.
- Bandages will no longer claim they need to be removed first if a character is trying to take them off of an unconscious subject, such as an animal. Conscious subjects must either remove bandages themselves or be rendered unconscious again.
- Limbs severed from creatures in flight now properly end up on the ground instead of hovering in midair. Severed limbs in a watery room will sink as usual. Flying creatures near ground level will now try to adopt their best possible posture upon losing a wing, while those that are higher than this (i.e. anything that appears to be "above" someone on the ground) will fall and take ground-collision damage as usual.
- Skills in character generation that provide charcoal now use the modern piling version of the material, as opposed to individual pieces. The masses involved remain unchanged. Players who have existing pieces from chargen may use the "exchange" command to swap them for a proper piling version.