The following is the record of public game progress for October 1st, 2018 through February 3rd, 2019.
- New areas: a ruined estate (Anishma), the Plenary Forum (Liidhaga)
- New items: bed frames, bone scrapers, crude flags, crude paddles, cushions, fur-collared leather coats, fur-trimmed leather vests, headless bolts, iron-plated leather gauntlets, kidney belts, large tanning racks, low round tables, mats (alias to "cloth mats" for clarity), metal-fronted kidney belts, moon glaives, moon glaive heads, ornamental fur-collared cuirasses, scrapers, shawls, small tanning racks, steel-edged moon glaives, steel-edged moon glaive heads, steel moon glaives, steel moon glaive heads, tall stools, tanning racks (alias to "medium tanning racks" for clarity), tasseled cushions, tasseled rugs
- Updated items: altars, beds, benches, bookshelves, cabinets (were "armoires"), chairs, coffins, cots, cupboards, desks, fur rugs (were "bearskins"), grass mats (were "rectangular" and "oval grass mats"), highback chairs, log benches (were "crude log benches"), low bookshelves, low shelves (were "low wooden shelves"), low tables, mirrors, reed mats (were "mats"), round tables, rugs, shelves (now ids to "shelf" when singular), stone benches, stone slabs, stone stools, stone tables, stools, straw beds, straw mattresses (were "rough mattresses"), tables, tall shelves (were "tall wooden shelves"), washtubs (were "bathtubs"), weapons racks (were "racks")
- New/Updated Helpfiles: butchering, donations, get, jobs, leather working, tanning racks
- New Encounters: beavers (Ydra only), flounder, herring, mackerels, marlins, pelicans, puffins
- Tanning racks are now craftable as an alternative to using tannin for preserving skins and furs. Tanning racks take multiple game days to slowly cure things strung on them; larger skins take longer, and may require a larger rack. Stringing a rack requires the rack be pitched outside and for the character to have a scraper and awl on hand. Tanning racks are not permanent objects and are best left near tents or cairns. See "help tanning racks" for more information.
- In addition to three new jobs, some existing jobs that were previously available from streets have been moved to inside the Plenary Forum of Liidhaga. These include mason, quarry worker, and the lamplighter job acquired from northern Emerald Walk; the lamplighter job in Emerald Square has stayed put. This should not affect players who were employed from the old rooms.
- The Corsair Hunter, a regional weapons and armor merchant, is now accessible in the (slightly expanded) Liidhaga docks, while the Taxidioti Depot now sells "survival" goods near the southeastern Cenote Gate. Some of Minadiip the Younger's Outfitters has been spread out to these stores to help give Minadiip's more of a focus on tools, though there is still a bit of intentional overlap.
- Character generation now handles choosing descriptions in a separate stage from setting a character's gender, name, and age; players who realize they've made a typo in their names, or who only want to adjust their coded physical descriptions, should now have an easier time of doing so. The "random" option for traits (not to be confused with the "any" option) has also been better documented in the chargen process itself. While "any" would select a random choice from the current list, "random" will make choices for every remaining trait, though it will not reset anything that was previously chosen by the player.
- Attempting to fish in a room with water but nothing to catch will now tell the player "It doesn't look like there's anything to catch here." and halt their attempt instead of implying that something is there, just not ending up on the line.
- Fishing poles now have smarter behavior to tell if their bait has rotted away since being put on the hook. Existing poles may be updated using the "exchange" command.
- Using the "shop" command in a room that can potentially sell or rent things, but does not currently have any available stock, will no longer bring up an empty menu.